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  1. Thanks, I really appreciate the support, this site does look great
  2. I took out a student loan in 1996 to assist with teacher training living expenses. Since qualifying, I have only been above the repayment threshold once, for a period of a few months. I then contracted ME/CFS and was forced to leave my job and eventually go bankrupt in 2005, as I could not meet my financial obligations with no job. I knew my student loan was exempt from the bankruptcy (which I think is outrageous)and expected to be contacted, but have heard nothing until yesterday when I got a call stating my loan had "matured" and they wanted payment. I explained I was chronically ill and living entirely on state benefits, but they said my case would have to be 'referred' and I would have to fill in an income and expenditure form before a decision on my case could be made. I'm completely nonplussed and really upset. If I am living on benefits they themselves state do not count as income in their assessment of deferrment, how come they count now? Also, I had no idea student loans even had a maturity date and finally if I was and still am below the threshold to start repayments, what makes them think I cam suddenly afford to pay? Can anyone help me please? Without exaggerating, this could land me in hospital and I need to try and get it sorted asap.
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