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Everything posted by litigator

  1. Hi, if you were on the right train for the reservation and there isn't any more to the story, based on previous experience, Transport Investigations will probably let it rest there. They don't pursue people to the court house if they cooperate and haven't been flagged up before.
  2. The Railway bye-laws give the power of removal; the various Regulation of Railways Acts create many non-indictable offences including those for ticket fraud and fare evasion and built-in to that act is the right for railway employees (whether direct labour or contractors) to detain passengers in certain circumstances while looking for a constable; the Theft Act and Forgery & Counterfeiting Act overlap the RRAs to create alternative indictable (and so arrestable) offences for fare evasion; the Common Law provides the arrestable (by any person) offence of Behaviour Likely to Cause a Breach of the Peace (e.g. provoking Railway Enforcement Officers or Police by taking their photograph without permission or jumping a queue at the station taxi rank).
  3. The irony is that the power of arrest you refer to under the RRA 1889 [3 failures under section 5] are unique to railway employees and their agents, and not applicable to the police.
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