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  1. Hi all, Today I received a letter from Bristow and Sutor stating a sundry debt overpayment of housing benefit due to Bristol City Council of £198.12. The letter goes on to say I must pay this debt within 7 days to prevent further recovery action, concluding with 'Failure to respond to this letter as directed will result in the continuation of recovery proceedings, which may result in one of our doorstep collection agents or a doorstep collection agent from Credit Security Limited visiting your property and / or action being taken to obtain a County Court Judgement against you which will adversely affect your credit rating.' Firstly, I've not received housing benefit since around 2013 as I relocated and found work etc etc, so this is the first time I've received anything regarding this matter so it's a bit of surprise! Do I contact Bristol City Council to clarify further information regarding the debt, or the debt collectors themselves? Regarding the 7 day warning, how worried should I be in bailiffs visiting my property? Many thanks in advance. Ben
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