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dasis16 last won the day on October 31 2013

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33 Excellent
  1. Well yes. I'd like to know if I would be able claim benefits in any other countries? I know I can move to another EU country, but would I get any support there? Are they any countries that would take me and provide the support I need. I really don't want to live in a Conservative run country.
  2. Now that it look's clear that a conservative government is going to be running the UK, I am very concerned for my future. I cannot work and have been unable to for four years now, and housebound for much longer than that. What I would like to know is am I likely to be treated more fairly and be more welcome in an other EU country. Or any other country for that matter! I understand this is not the usual topic, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows about this. I don't have enough ties here to stop me moving, and I imagine everyone in my situation is just going to suffer here.
  3. Thanks So mobility wise, someone who is housebound due to mental health problems, but can move about unaided, will be lucky to score the maximum of ten points. I'll be lucky to get any mobility support at all. *SIGH*
  4. I imagine he can make a claim, whether they'll accept it or not is another matter. I would think it's purely a game of chance on whether anyone bothers to look back that far. From how it's been explained, it sounds like PIP is going to a completely fresh start for people, so I doubt they'll look at previous claims at all. If possible though, check what terms were written to him when the penalty was handed out.
  5. If you're feeling up to it, I would send a letter requesting a home visit and for it to be recorded. By the sounds of it you have a lot going on health-wise, and I don't think it would be unreasonable to at least ask for a home visit. I can only speak for my own personal experience, but I've found that requesting both of these things in writing has at least in part prevented a face-to-face assessment from being carried out at all. I've been lucky enough to never have to go through one yet. If they can't pull their finger out and do the job they're paid millions to do properly, how is that your problem?
  6. I'm not going to actively encourage anything I shouldn't, but I will say this. If I wanted to do a one week course on jobseekers, and I was worried I wouldn't be allowed to, I'd be "ill" for a week. Make all the reports, apply for a few jobs still and make a lot of notes to show my adviser next time I saw them. I personally wouldn't give them the option of making the wrong decision, because I'm convinced they would. Again, not something I'd recommend to anyone else, but that's what I would do.
  7. Do you have a source for that? I would like to know what I can expect when I eventually apply for PIP (currently getting DLA). It seems to be a running trend with all of these cuts that they are implemented little by little. I think in part because they think they'll get away with the most by moving slowly, but also because I don't think they're actually equipped to completely change the system. I think they've made it clear their intentions are to punish the poor and needy, not help them. None of these changes to the system are going to change to overall picture for the better, and the argument that the current system needs fixing is flawed if the government can't adequately implement the changes they're making. Their justification for a lack of overall impact assessment is laughable. They say they can't complete one because it's too difficult, and may complete one once all the changes are implemented. So once the damage is already done, in other words. To me this is a blatant acknowledgement that even they don't know how their changes are going to affect everyone. This government is inadequate to say the least.
  8. When in October? First of all, have you been properly mandated to attend the course? You should have received a letter telling you when and where the course is going to take place, the fact that attendance is mandatory, and the consequences for not attending. Moreover, have you written a CV before? If you have one prepared and in use at present, get someone qualified to check it over (maybe CAB?) and then use it demonstrate you don't need the course. If the basis of your complaint is the course is unnecessary, you are much more likely to succeed with it. Good Luck
  9. Mmmm, Cholera Thank you for confirming the troll is a troll. You have prevented me from angrily stomping my fingers across the keyboard
  10. First of all, no-one in government is in the same boat. That's why the slogans of "we're all in this together" etc. make me so angry. MPs are not having to choose between eating or paying the rent, they are choosing whether or not to take a pay rise. The "deficit" is in my opinion a non-issue. Even if I am wrong on that point, it isn't being paid off anyway. In fact, it's getting bigger! The measures that affect the poor and vulnerable most, such as the bedroom tax and WCAs, are not effectively saving money. The entire benefits reform is completely unnecessary, and if they had just decided to scrap that instead, they could have saved themselves a fortune and whole lot of hassle. This government's priorities seem completely skewed to me. Internet porn, their own wages, gay marriage (and i'm gay btw) are not issues the government should be concentrating on when so many people are suffering. I genuinely don't understand how they sleep at night.
  11. DLA is being hugely reduced as well though. There will be thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people who will seriously lose out because of when they were born or when they become disabled. When PIP replaces DLA, there will be people that get neither PIP or SDP. Also, many people who receive the SDP are unlikely to ever be able to work, or at best will be unable to for a long period of time. When you total up everything, and consider that what they get is likely to be their livelihood for ever, it really isn't all that much. Frankly, it's rich pensioners that you need to worry about. Not rich disabled people.
  12. The people I care about know, including friends and family. But I really don't see very many people as I am essentially house-bound. My standard line if anyone happens to ask is "I'm unemployed due to a disability". People don't seem to dig past that really. All of my "issues" (for want of a better term) are mental health/learning disabilities, and so not really visible at all. I do worry at some point I'll come across hostility, and so wouldn't broadcast my situation. In my opinion, there are so many people that need more education. Many seem to think you have to be in a wheelchair in order to be disabled!
  13. If you call through to your ESA processing centre, they will give you a fax number you can use to send documents. If you don't have a fax machine, you can go to your local JCP, and ask to use their fax machine for the same purpose. My processing centre is in Belfast, and as I live in London, there's no way I'd ever get there in person. It should be the same address that you send the documents to. If the ESA call centre are clueless, just be firm and ask for a call back from your processing centre. Good Luck!
  14. Hi, Based on what you've said, they shouldn't refuse to pay you any benefit, at least not initially. You are not being assessed on how ill you are right now, they're basically just checking that: a. you have a valid sick note, and b. you have little or no money (assuming you have made an IB claim). From what you've said, you should be fine for now. Yes definitely get another sick note, and keep getting them unless ESA say you don't need to. Good Luck!
  15. I don't disagree with you. I just hate it when politicians draw similarities between criminals and regular claimants. It's exactly the same kind of spin as the skivers/strivers rubbish, just much more offensive!
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