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  1. Hey all, I have just recieved a fine for driving in a bus lane on Camberwell High Road when I had no idea I was doing anything wrong. I have redriven the route and the bus lane restarts after a predestrian crossing with no new sign and only bus stop written on the road, the only sign it is a bus line is the thick white line on the right hand sign. The lane only runs for about 6-7 car lengths and then turns into a left turn which I was taking. I was lost at the time and seeing a signpost for where I wanted to go I pulled into the left hand lane and turned without even thinking about it. I guess I am just going to have to pay the fine and be done with it but before I do I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of any grounds on which I could appeal. I dont have a lot of money to spare and would happily fight if I felt I had a chance of winning. Thanking you in advance
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